My Family Coach: Women Discuss Life, Relationships & Parenting


Wanted: Fathers

OK, Dads. Admit it. You have a short attention span, somewhere between "Hello, dear" and the end of the 15-second commercial break.

So how can we grab your attention? How can we get across to you that you're needed, wanted and time's a wasting?

From Day 1, children benefit from their fathers' participation in their care. Babies whose fathers play with them, talk to them, feed and soothe them have more advanced motor and problem-solving skills by the end of their first year.

By the time they've reached toddler-hood, children with involved fathers have more secure attachments and are friendlier and more outgoing.

There are notable benefits in particular to sons and daughters. Boys who receive paternal approval and love become more confident in their own masculinity and thus more secure men. They have more confidence and see themselves as winners. They'll be more inclined to take risks, having grown up with a core belief in themselves. (For more benefits, see my blog of 1/14/09 entitled "Why Sons Need Their Fathers.")

Girls, in contrast, experience fathers as a template for their future boyfriends and spouses. Is her father kind, supportive and encouraging? Then she'll look for the same qualities in her intimate partner. Is he cold, distant and aloof; or worse, condescending and abusive? We dread thinking that one's daughter would be attracted to this type of man. But it can and does happen.

So Dad. This is one job you cannot delegate. Your paternal responsibilities began in the delivery room. And, of everything that you give your child, the most important is Y-O-U; your time, your listening ear, your presence.

To achieve your parenting goals, Dad, you need to develop a plan with measurable outcomes and frequent monitoring. You'll need superior time management and organizational skills; i.e., everything a top notch corporation like your family desires and deserves.

This investment will yield high dividends, Dad. You will be a happier man, one who is physically healthier and leading a more fulfilling life.

What better definition of success is there?


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