My Family Coach: Women Discuss Life, Relationships & Parenting


Modern Times

the world is a-changing
and we're losing touch
our heads are connected
but not our hearts

the universe grows smaller
minute by minute
but what is happening
to the humans in it

we dare not wait
lest we lose the deal
there's no time to think
let alone feel

our words are brief
no pause or stop
in this high-tech life
grammar is forgot

the cantata called "love"
lingers too long
we want results
not a complex song

instead we're enslaved
by our own inspiration
compelled to construct
tomorrow's PlayStation

our spouses, our children
no longer recognize
the image of the person
they used to idolize

so fleeting, so fragile
the moment's attraction
we cannot freeze-frame
such human interaction

like parent, like child
we'll reap what we sow
what we neglect today
we'll confront tomorrow


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