Wellness Step #2: Analyzing Failure
As the title implies, my resolve to wake up on time this morning did not succeed in pushing me out of bed. Although I neither snoozed the alarm nor shut it off, I slept right through the radio blaring in my ear!
Rather than give up, I will take Step #2 towards my wellness goal: I will confront this temporary setback and analyze what needs to be changed. I've been through this before. I remember the frustration and disappointment when my first experiment in graduate school failed; I had to start all over again. That happened several times before I had enough data to warrant going further towards my doctoral research.
More personally, how many times did I try to stop biting my nails before I finally succeeded?
Physical habits are indeed hard to modify, especially when the results are not immediately evident.
So let's examine the flaws in my plan:
1. The alarm did not arouse me. Truthfully, I enjoy listening to the traffic and weather in the morning to get a sense of what lay ahead. This enjoyment enhances rather than diminishes a sense of relaxation and somnolence.
2. The incentive was insufficient to impact on my behavior. I forgot about the sugar topping to my cereal as I lay in bed; it had no meaning for me. The incentive will need to be directly tied my behavior.
3. I did not set the stage for success. I went to sleep close to midnight last night thereby stacking the cards against my awakening early the next morning. If I want to succeed I have to prepare for optimal functioning.
Modified plan:
1. I will set a buzzer alarm to follow the radio. If I shut off the radio and don't arise the unpleasant noise of the buzzer will do the job. I will uncover myself and sit up before closing either the radio or buzzer and will not lay down again.
2. I will attach a social consequence to my success by telling my spouse or friend whenever I wake up early or on time.
3. I will go to sleep early the night before so that I am not too exhausted to wake up the next morning. My need for sleep has increased over the years and accepting this aspect of aging is necessary for my success.
Patience and fortitude are what I need. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Rather than give up, I will take Step #2 towards my wellness goal: I will confront this temporary setback and analyze what needs to be changed. I've been through this before. I remember the frustration and disappointment when my first experiment in graduate school failed; I had to start all over again. That happened several times before I had enough data to warrant going further towards my doctoral research.
More personally, how many times did I try to stop biting my nails before I finally succeeded?
Physical habits are indeed hard to modify, especially when the results are not immediately evident.
So let's examine the flaws in my plan:
1. The alarm did not arouse me. Truthfully, I enjoy listening to the traffic and weather in the morning to get a sense of what lay ahead. This enjoyment enhances rather than diminishes a sense of relaxation and somnolence.
2. The incentive was insufficient to impact on my behavior. I forgot about the sugar topping to my cereal as I lay in bed; it had no meaning for me. The incentive will need to be directly tied my behavior.
3. I did not set the stage for success. I went to sleep close to midnight last night thereby stacking the cards against my awakening early the next morning. If I want to succeed I have to prepare for optimal functioning.
Modified plan:
1. I will set a buzzer alarm to follow the radio. If I shut off the radio and don't arise the unpleasant noise of the buzzer will do the job. I will uncover myself and sit up before closing either the radio or buzzer and will not lay down again.
2. I will attach a social consequence to my success by telling my spouse or friend whenever I wake up early or on time.
3. I will go to sleep early the night before so that I am not too exhausted to wake up the next morning. My need for sleep has increased over the years and accepting this aspect of aging is necessary for my success.
Patience and fortitude are what I need. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Try setting an extra loud alarm clock away from your bed, you will need to get up to shut the darn thing off and you will be up!
Also, try to eat well, cut out the sugar, exercise, and cut out evening snacks as much as possible. Hope these ideas help you, gmar chatima tova!
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 24, 2009
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