Question from Parent of Toddler: Eating Problem
Help Help! I have a healthy 15-month old son who is still eating jar baby food. He has sat in his high chair with us at all meals since he was 4 months old. At every meal, we offer him bite-sized pieces of our food, but he just mashes it with his fingers and will not put it in his mouth. If we put anything in his mouth, he gags on it and spits it right out. He will self-feed Gerber cereal squares and Gerber crackers and Gerber fruit and vegetable puffs, so he does not seem to have any problem chewing (he has six teeth) or swallowing solids. My pediatrician says not to worry about it, he will eat when he is ready, but many of my friends say I should tough love him by not giving him any more jars of baby food. Any advise for this frazzled first-time mom? Thanks!
Hi, Kerri! Your decision about whether to continue giving your son baby foods is really a practical one: Since he's used to eating certain foods, those are the foods that he prefers. As long as you're not anxious, enjoy your own meal and continue to offer him bites from your food. When he is ready, try using a booster seat so that he can truly participate if he likes (without breaking any dishes or hurting himself with utensils).
Dr. Spiegel, at Tuesday, April 25, 2006
My son does this two and he is also 15 months old. It's really strange. I can give him gerber cereal bars, fruit and veggie puffs and crackers, stuff like that and he does fine but if I give him mashed potatoes or gerber graduate fruits like little chunks of peaches or something he will gag and throw up. He also does this with most stage 3 gerber foods with chunks in it! I don't know what to do, I feel like he is going to be eating pureed food for the rest of his life!
Anonymous, at Monday, May 22, 2006
My son does the same as person aboves child does, but he is 19 months old today. We can eat cheerios and Gerber Chedder Puffs (put I have to cut them to the size of Cheerios) he can eat that and be fine, every now and then he will gag and throw it up. But when I offer him Gerber 3 foods, or table food he gags and thorws it up and it honestly looks like throw up with spoiled curried up milk. I have told his doctor but she tells me that if he can eat but up Cheetos then he can eat anything and then wants to send us to a class to feed our son, I have no issue with feeding him. She has also told us that maybe it is the texture, but I don't think it is that cause he can eat the Cheetos and stuff I mention above and he can eat the Thick Number 2 gerber Mangos, which are thick. I don't know what to do, tonight I took and use my Magic Bullet to blend up his gerber Turkey and Rice meal cause he started gagging on it when I gave him the first bite. I have to watch what I feed him also because he is allergic to eggs. So if anyone knows why he gags, and throws up on these foods let me know to:)
Anonymous, at Sunday, March 23, 2008
hi Kerri-
I am only a mother of two, so I can't say that I am so experienced, but I have learned some important lessons after seeing the differences in eating habits between my two kids. My older kid was initially not picky, but then became "pickier." All along, however, she refused to touch things that were very sticky or messy. My younger child has no problem touching different consistencies, but is less likely to try unfamilier foods. Anyways, after seeing my kids and talking with friends, I think the take-home lesson must be: All kids are different, and all reach (food) milestones at different points. If your pediatrician (whom hopefully you trust) is telling you that your child is healthy and getting adequate nutrition, if possible, try to be laid back and enjoy milestones whenever your child reaches them! Good luck!
Anonymous, at Monday, March 24, 2008
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