My Family Coach: Women Discuss Life, Relationships & Parenting


The Stress g-r-O-WS

Now you're seriously stressed out. Your deadline gets closer every day. You're not sleeping well at night and your body aches with tension when you awaken in the wee hours of the morning.

What to do? Here are a few of my suggestions.

First get everyone out the door. Give yourself some time alone. If you have a baby at home, make sure to keep up those naps. Put the baby in the crib even if he/she doesn't sleep. You need the time out as much as the youngster does.

The next step is the more difficult one. Use at least part of your free time for yourself. Re-energize by sitting down and eating a quiet lunch. Allow yourself time to gather your thoughts. When you're ready to re-enter the world, tackle a job that you can feel good about, something that you'll complete in the time left. Then you'll be able to feel even slightly accomplished.

Finally, develop tunnel vision and hearing. Don't look or listen to what others are doing who are coping with the same deadline. Everyone has their own path to the finish line; some of us are sprinters, others view the race as a marathon, but we all reach the finish line.

Congratulations! You're a member of the human race.


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