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Men on the Run

Chander Mohan, a deputy chief minister in India, is the latest man in the news to be found out. Unlike other politicians, however, he went the whole way, actually converting to Islam and then legally taking his mistress as a second wife.

Women have suffered through their husband's affairs since time immemorial. These men seek to salve whatever pain they're in by looking elsewhere for comfort. The "other woman" - usually much younger - provides solace for whatever ails him. But he sacrifices much to gain that temporary pleasure.

One president was even impeached because of his inappropriate behavior while in office.

In the pleasure of the moment the man loses his identity.

Sometimes the man creates a new life with the other woman. In the case of former presidential nominee John McCain, for example, his second wife and former mistress stood by his side as he spoke at news conferences.

The first wife suffers embarrassment and rejection as well as public pity. Their children, if they have any, suffer private and public shame.

But some women refuse to be cowed. They stand with dignity through the debacle and wait for their husbands to come home. They accept the damaged goods and the imperfection of their marriages while refusing to be defined by it. They are their husbands' partners, not possessions.

Some women even rise above it all to become Secretary of State.


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