My Family Coach: Women Discuss Life, Relationships & Parenting


How Can You Plant the Seeds of Success?

So many problems are preventable and so much of our future success in life stems from the seeds that we plant now.

For example, a recent study at the University of Illinois has shown that secure mother-child attachments predict good friendships. Dr. McElwain, the lead researcher of the study, found that “in a secure, emotionally open mother-child relationship, children develop a more positive, less biased understanding of others, which then promotes more positive friendships during the early school years.”

Do you want to take action, or will you wait and see until the time comes when you look back at “what might have been?”

Follow your heart and get the support you need. Take this opportunity to hear up-to-date information about parenting and life transitions within the safety of a group of like-minded women.

Join 4M! 4M = Mona’s Monday Meetings for Mothers

4M Coaching Groups are low-cost and highly effective. In addition - because these groups take place over the telephone - they provide a unique opportunity for women in geographically diverse locations to “meet” and support each other.

Group 1: Managing Preschoolers
Group 2: Mothering Children & Teens
Group 3: Maximizing Your Midlife Years

All groups begin on Monday, April 27th and are limited in size.
Day and evening sessions are available.
You must register by emailing Dr. Spiegel or calling her at 845-425-4842.

Early-bird discount ends Friday, April 3rd!


P.S. While you are considering whether to join, read a few testimonials from previous participants in 4M:

I learned a lot of practical tips from the coaching group. It was informative, interactive and non-judgmental.

The "phone class" was really great! In her friendly & easygoing manner, Dr. Spiegel guides & raises awareness on the many issues/situations that arise daily, & offers valuable advice. The class was really beneficial!

I truly enjoyed the 4M group. I was able to get excellent information about my child's development and also learned so much from the other women in the group. When you hear about someone else's challenges and accomplishments it makes you realize how normal your own struggles are. Dr. Spiegel has a special combination of warmth and caring along with clear objectivity that we all need in order to grow and improve.


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