My Family Coach: Women Discuss Life, Relationships & Parenting


Parent Education

Years ago we decided that children needed to be taught by other people. The dictum, In Loco Parentis, became reality.

Now we need to take the next step. It's time to accept that parents, too, can benefit from learning.

Parenting is the one and only area in life that still relies on instinct and not knowledge. We seek support and knowledge in every other area of our lives, including giving birth to our children. What about raising them? Isn't it worthwhile - if not crucial - to seek knowledge and support in this area?

Did you know that more and more preschoolers are given medication for ADD and other psychological/neurological disorders? They're not only being identified earlier; we're looking for a "quick fix" to their problems.

Instead, research (and my experience) has found that parent support and education at this level reduces behavioral problems and improves the children's social skills.

Parent classes have been around for awhile and some parent participate in them. What about making parent education an integral part of our children's education, especially at the preschool level where the most can be accomplished with the least amount of time and effort?

I would like to plant the seeds for this idea wherever parents and educators live who are interested in doing the best job that they can; and who isn't?


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