Obama and Jews
I was recently asked by a reporter to comment on Obama's remark that one can be "for Israel and against Likud." This is how I responded:
Stereotypes of any kind trouble me. Obama's statement reminds me of the opinion that one can be "for Jews and against Israel." Theoretically, these remarks might be tenable; but in practical terms, they lump all "Likud" or all "Israel" together as one undifferentiated group. When we group people together we don't have an understanding of them as individuals, and it becomes relatively easy to be wary of or antagonistic towards the group as a whole.
Thus, when one makes a remark like this, it demonstrates ignorance, bias and possibly (dare I say it?) antisemitism.
I don't know how Barack Obama truly feels and we will never know, no matter what he says publicly. But his influences together with his lack of understanding are worrisome.
Stereotypes of any kind trouble me. Obama's statement reminds me of the opinion that one can be "for Jews and against Israel." Theoretically, these remarks might be tenable; but in practical terms, they lump all "Likud" or all "Israel" together as one undifferentiated group. When we group people together we don't have an understanding of them as individuals, and it becomes relatively easy to be wary of or antagonistic towards the group as a whole.
Thus, when one makes a remark like this, it demonstrates ignorance, bias and possibly (dare I say it?) antisemitism.
I don't know how Barack Obama truly feels and we will never know, no matter what he says publicly. But his influences together with his lack of understanding are worrisome.
vote for McCain!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I think you are misinterpreting the comment given by Obama. He is stating that you can be in support of Israel as a state and nation, without being a fan of the Likud party. This is not only accurate, but far from ignorant, biased, or antisemitic, as you claim. Can't one be pro-American and be anti-Democrat? Or Anti-Rebulican? One does not negate the other and you seem to be the one creating stereotypes where none exist.
Anonymous, at Sunday, April 13, 2008
An outsider to any country can surely voice his or her opinion but - unless one lives in that country - one's opinion is based on the media's filtered reports.
I hope that Obama, if he wins the nomination, will do his utmost to ensure continued support of the state of Israel, whoever is in charge.
Dr. Spiegel, at Tuesday, April 15, 2008
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