My Family Coach: Women Discuss Life, Relationships & Parenting


The Importance of Recognition

We think that we don't need to acknowledge the results of an action that we expect. For example, we may take for granted the faucet that the plumber fixed, the food that a mother cooked, or the "A" that a bright child earned on a test. They're just doing their jobs, right? Wrong. These individuals had to make an effort to realize their accomplishments. After all, everyone has the opportunity to utilize their inborn talents but many don't.

One of the most common "joy-killers" is the lack of reinforcement or acknowledgement of a person's efforts. Sure, the plumber did what you hired him to do, but the fact that he did it correctly deserves more than your money. The woman who cooks for her family is also doing her "job" but the fact that you know that she reliably produces a meal deserves your gratitude. Lastly, the child who works for a grade, whether he or she put in a lot of effort or a little, deserves your recognition. School - like plumbing and cooking - is a child's job and a job well done merits your attention.

Too often we forget to notice when the people around us do what we expect them to do. We only take note when something goes wrong. Let us not wait for the leaking pipe, the burnt food or the failed grade to take note. Instead, glorify in the daily gifts that you are given.